4,057 research outputs found

    Micropropagação de cultivares de framboeseira.

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    Abstract: Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory chronic disease characterized by the presence of autoantibodies, immunocomplex production and organ injury. Several alterations of the immune system have been described, namely of CD4 T cells, with particular focus on regulatory subgroup. Objective: Quantify peripheral CD4 T cells in a population of patients with SLE and correlate it with lupus activity, affected organs, therapeutics and infections. Methods: Retrospective study involving all SLE patients seen in the clinical immunology outpatient clinic of the Hospital Geral Santo António, Porto that has done some peripheral blood flow cytometry study. Results: Twenty-nine patients have been evaluated, 16 were taking glucocorticoids and six immunossupressors. The mean SLEDAI at the study time was nine and the ECLAM was three. Thirty-one percent of the patients had leukopenia, 76% lymphocytopenia and the same number CD4 depletion. Fifty-five percent of the patients had CD4 levels lower than 500/mm3, 31% lower than 200/mm3. All patients with SLEDAI ?20 and ECLAM ?4 had CD4 counts inferior to 500/mm3 and all patients with inactive disease had CD4 superior to 500/mm3. There have been three opportunistic infections: cryptococcal meningitis, pulmonary aspergilosis, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, all in patients with CD4 counts lower than 500/mm3. Conclusion: Decreased CD4 T cells counts have been very common in this study population. There is an inverse relation between CD4 cells counts and disease activity. Opportunistic infections occurred in patients with severe CD4 depletion. Keywords: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; CD4 T Lymphocytes; Lymphocytopenia; SLE Activity; Opportunistic infection


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    Abstract: Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory chronic disease characterized by the presence of autoantibodies, immunocomplex production and organ injury. Several alterations of the immune system have been described, namely of CD4 T cells, with particular focus on regulatory subgroup. Objective: Quantify peripheral CD4 T cells in a population of patients with SLE and correlate it with lupus activity, affected organs, therapeutics and infections. Methods: Retrospective study involving all SLE patients seen in the clinical immunology outpatient clinic of the Hospital Geral Santo António, Porto that has done some peripheral blood flow cytometry study. Results: Twenty-nine patients have been evaluated, 16 were taking glucocorticoids and six immunossupressors. The mean SLEDAI at the study time was nine and the ECLAM was three. Thirty-one percent of the patients had leukopenia, 76% lymphocytopenia and the same number CD4 depletion. Fifty-five percent of the patients had CD4 levels lower than 500/mm3, 31% lower than 200/mm3. All patients with SLEDAI ?20 and ECLAM ?4 had CD4 counts inferior to 500/mm3 and all patients with inactive disease had CD4 superior to 500/mm3. There have been three opportunistic infections: cryptococcal meningitis, pulmonary aspergilosis, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, all in patients with CD4 counts lower than 500/mm3. Conclusion: Decreased CD4 T cells counts have been very common in this study population. There is an inverse relation between CD4 cells counts and disease activity. Opportunistic infections occurred in patients with severe CD4 depletion. Keywords: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; CD4 T Lymphocytes; Lymphocytopenia; SLE Activity; Opportunistic infection

    Dinâmica de amônio e nitrato no solo em sistemas agroflorestais sob cultivo de dendezeiro na Amazônia Oriental.

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    A agricultura das ultimas décadas tem causando grandes alterações no solo, resultando na perda de produtividade e sustentabilidade dos sistemas de produção. Na Amazônia vem crescendo a procura pela matéria-prima do dendê (Elaeis guineenses) para a produção de biodiesel. O presente estudo objetivou analisar a dinâmica de amônio (NH4+) e nitrato (NO3-) em diferentes manejos do solo a fim de melhor compreender a ciclagem de nitrogênio em sistemas agroflorestais sob cultivo de dendê. Foi desenvolvido no município de Tomé-Açu, Pará, onde foram coletadas amostras de solo de 0-10 cm, no tratamento Adubadeiras (T1) e Biodiverso Mecanizado (T2), e, na área de referência. Em todos os tratamentos, o amônio foi mais abundante que o nitrato, podendo estar relacionado com a baixa disponibilidade de N, a uma preferência e captura dos microrganismos e vegetais por nitrato ou lixiviação desse. A taxa de mineralização tendeu a ser mais elevada quando comparada com a de nitrificação, em ambos os períodos de coleta, porém, sua maior atividade se deu na seca. Pode-se considerar que durante o período chuvoso, o excesso de água no solo pode inibir a ação dos microrganismos, diminuindo a mineralização do N. A aeração do solo durante o período seco e a acidez do solo podem ter retardado o processo de nitrificação. Conclui-se que a sazonalidade e o manejo do solo são potenciais fatores determinantes quanto à disponibilização de nutrientes aos sistemas, e, os sistemas aparentam deficiência no processo de nitrificação.Editores técnicos: Roberto Porro, Milton Kanashiro, Maria do Socorro Gonçalves Ferreira, Leila Sobral Sampaio e Gladys Ferreira de Sousa
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